Small Cell Lung Carcinoma Metastasis Mimicking Pancreatic Head Tumor: A Case Report
1University of Health Sciences, Sisli Hamidiye Etfal Training and Research Hospital, Department of General Surgery, Istanbul, Türkiye
J Clin Pract Res - DOI: 10.14744/cpr.2024.56663


Metastatic masses in the head of the pancreas are rare, and there is no consensus on their treatment. While renal cell carcinomas are most commonly associated with pancreatic metastases, cases of pancreatic metastases due to lung cancer have also been reported.
Case Report
Imaging studies conducted due to jaundice in a 65-year-old male revealed a mass in the pancreatic head. Further imaging studies identified a 7 cm tumor originating from the bronchus in the left lung hilar region. A bronchoscopic biopsy of the hilar mass confirmed small-cell lung carcinoma. Biopsy results from the pancreatic head mass, obtained through endoscopic ultrasound, confirmed metastasis from small cell lung carcinoma. The patient was initiated on systemic chemotherapy.
In the differential diagnosis of pancreatic head masses, the possibility of rare metastatic masses should be considered. Appropriate treatment for metastatic cases should be determined through a multidisciplinary approach.