Congenital anomalies of the Mullerian system, which are associated with fertility problems, are common uterine malformations. Unicornuate uteri with rudimentary horn containing an endometrial cavity is a rare Mullerian malformation. A 36-years-old woman with primary infertility presented with dysmenorrhonea which had been present since 1995; her symptoms had been relieved with medical management since then. During the routine work-up, unicornuate uterus, associated with the rudimentary horn, and haematosalpinx and endometrioma were found, and laparoscopic management was performed. The case was presented and the relevant literature reviewed.
Müllerian sistemin kongenital anomalileri fertilite problemi de içerebilen yaygın uterin malformasyonlardandır. Endometrial kavite içeren rudimenter hornla birlikte görülen unikornuat uterus nadir görülen bir müllerian anomalidir. Otuzaltı yaşında primer infertil hasta 1995' den beri olan ve medikal tedaviye yanıt veren dismenore şikayeti ile başvurdu. Yapı lan incelemelerde hemotosalpinks ve endometriomanın eşlik ettiği rudimenter hornla birlikte unikornuat uterus saptandı ve tedavisi laparoskopik olarak yapıldı. Vaka nedeniyle ilgili literatür gözden geçirildi.