Retrospective Evaluation of 31 Cases with Williams-Beuren Syndrome
1Department of Ophtalmology, Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey
2Department of Pediatric Cardiology Erciyes University Medical Faculty Kayseri - Turkey
3Department of Cardiovascular Surgery Erciyes University Medical Faculty, Kayseri, Turkey
4Department of Genetics, Erciyes University Medical Faculty, Kayseri, Turkey
J Clin Pract Res 2009; 31(2): 185-190
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Purpose: Williams Beuren syndrome, is a genetic disorder which gets its characteristic features by aging. The aim of this study is to evaluate patients diagnosed WBS, and to share our experience.
Materials and Methods: Patients who diagnosed WBS were evaluated retrospectively. Systemic examination, echocardiographic and renal doppler findings, thyroid functions and genetic analysis results were collected from patient file, and statistical analyses were done.
Results: 1996 to 2009, 31 patients (20 male), who were 1 month to 13 years old diagnosed WBS. Main reason for admission was murmur evaluation in 71%, and growth retardation in 16.1%. Genetic analyses were done on 23 patients and 7q11.23LSI.ELN deletion was positive in 73.9% patients. Analyses of cardiovascular examinations revealed; isolated peripheral pulmonary stenosis in 38.7%, isolated supravalvular aortic stenosis in 35.5% and both in 25.8%. Symptomatic seven patients with pulmonary stenosis and three patients with aortic stenosis applied balloon angioplasty. But three of them, which were not benefit from angioplasty, treated by surgically. In rest of the patients, stenosis did not worsen. Idiopathic hypercalcemia was evaluated in 10 patients, but not detected. Retinal arterial vascular tortiosity ratio was 82.6%. Two patients (8.7%) diagnosed hypothyroidism.
Conclusion: In this study patients diagnosed WBS were evaluated, and results were discussed with literature.

Williams-Beuren Sendromlu 31 Olgunun Retrospektif Değerlendirilmesi
1Department of Ophtalmology, Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey
2Department of Pediatric Cardiology Erciyes University Medical Faculty Kayseri - Turkey
3Department of Cardiovascular Surgery Erciyes University Medical Faculty, Kayseri, Turkey
4Department of Genetics, Erciyes University Medical Faculty, Kayseri, Turkey
Journal of Clinical Practice and Research 2009; 2(31): 185-190

Amaç: Williams Beuren Sendromu (WBS), yaş ile birlikte belirgin hale gelen tipik bulguları olan genetik bir hastalıktır. Bu çalışmada amacımız WBS tanısı alan 31 olguyu inceleyerek seyrek görülen bu hastalıkla ilgili tecrübemizi paylaşmaktır.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: WBS tanısı alan olguların dosyaları retrospektif olarak, sistemik muayene bulguları, göz muayene bulguları, ekokardiyografi, renal Doppler, tiroid fonksiyon testi ve genetik bulguları bakımından değerlendirildi.
Bulgular: Pediatrik Kardiyoloji Bilim dalında 1996-2009 yılları arasında 20'si erkek 31 hasta (1 ay-13 yaş) WBS tanısı aldı. En sık başvuru şikâyeti üfürüm duyulması (%71) olup, ikinci sıklıkta büyüme gelişme geriliği idi. Olguların 23'ünde WBS tanısı için genetik analizi yapıldı ve 17 olguda (%73,9) 7. kromozomda q11.23LSI.ELN delesyonu gösterildi. On iki olguda (%38,7) izole periferik pulmoner stenoz, 11'inde (%35,5) izole supravalvüler aort stenozu ve sekizinde (% 25,8) her iki lezyon bir arada tespit edildi. Semptomatik yedi olguya pulmoner balon anjioplasti, üç olguya aort balon anjioplasti uygulandı. Tedavi etkin olmayan üç olgu cerrahi tedavi gerektirirken, diğer olgularda pulmoner stenoz ve aort stenozu derecesi artmadı. İdiopatik hiperkalsemi açısından araştırılan 10 olgudan hiçbirisinde hiperkalsemiye rastlanmadı. Olguların %82,6'sında retinal damarlarda tortiosite artışı tespit edildi. İki olgu (2/23, %8,7) hipotiroidi tanısı aldı.
Sonuç: Bu çalışmada Williams Sendromu tanısı alan 31 olgu literatür bilgileri eşliğinde tartışılmıştır.