Torsion of Gallbladder: a Case Report
1Department of Surgery, S.M.H.S Hospital, Srinagar, India
J Clin Pract Res 2010; 32(2): 123-126
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The author is reporting a case of torsion of gallbladder. The patient used to have episodes of intermittent torsion and there was no acute presentation. Patient was presented with abdominal swelling which was misdiagnosed as a mesenteric cyst. Distended gallbladder, free floating type, tortuous cystic artery with the mesentry were factors responsible for torsion. Gallbladder exhibited 180 degrees of clockwise rotation. Detorsion followed by cholecystectomy was done

Safra Kesesi Torsiyonu: Olgu Sunumu
1Department of Surgery, S.M.H.S Hospital, Srinagar, India
Journal of Clinical Practice and Research 2010; 2(32): 123-126

Bu yazıda bir safra kesesi torsiyonu olgusu sunuluyor. Olgu, geçici torsiyon atakları geçiriyordu ve tablo akut görünüm arz etmiyordu. Abdominal şişkinlik gösteren olguya mezanterik kist tanısı konmuştu. Serbestçe hareket edebilen şişkin safra kesesi ve kıvrımlı sistik arter, torsiyondan sorumlu faktörler idi. Safra kesesi saat yönünde 180 derece dönmüştü. Olguya detorsiyon ve kolesistektomil yapıldı.