2Department of Plastic Surgery and Reconstruction Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey
The Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome is characterized by macroglossia; pre- or postnatal gigantism; abdominal wall defects; hypoglycaemia; umbilical hernia or diastasis recti; ear creases or posterior helical ear pits; facial nevus flammeus; renal anomalies; neoplasms; hemihypertrophy; congenital cardiac malformations; intestinal malrotation; mental retardation; polydactyly; and cleft palate. Anesthetic considerations of 7 months old girl with Beckwith- Wiedemann syndrome during reduction of macroglossia are presented and discussed.
2Department of Plastic Surgery and Reconstruction Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey
Beckwith-Weidemann sendromu makroglossi; pre veya postnatal jigantizm; abdominal duvar defekti; hipoglisemi; umbilical herni veya diastazis rekti; kulak kepçesinde kıvrılmalar veya posterior helical pitler; fasial nevus flammeus; renal anomaliler; neoplasmlar; hemihipertrofi; konjenital kardiyak malformasyonlar; intestinal malrotasyon; mental retardasyon; polidaktili ve yarık damak ile karakterizedir. Bu yazıda Beckwith-Weidemann sendrom'lu, 7 aylık kız çocukta, makroglossi küçültme operasyonu için verilen anestezi uygulaması bildirilmiştir.