A New Marker for Early Diagnosis in Neonatal Sepsis: Polymorphonuclear Leucocyte Elastase Levels
1Department of Pediatrics, Bakırköy Maternity and Children Diseases Training and Research Hospital, İstanbul, Turkey
2Department of Pediatrics, Başkent University Hospital, İstanbul, Turkey
3Department of Hematology, Yüksek İhtisas Hospital, İstanbul, Turkey
4Department of Pediatrics, Haseki Research and Training Hospital, İstanbul, Turkey
J Clin Pract Res 2013; 35(2): 46-51 DOI: 10.5152/etd.2013.16
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Objective[|]The aim of this study was to evaluate the importance of polymorphonuclear leucocyte (PMN) elastase as an early indicator and follow-up parameter in neonatal sepsis.[¤]Materials and Methods[|]The study group consisted of forty patients with the diagnosis of sepsis and the control group included twenty newborn. Inclusion criteria were formerly sought in our subjects who were diagnosed using the Töllner scoring system and based on the clinical observations and laboratory findings. The results of white blood cell and platelet counts, immature/total neutrophil ratio, CRP and PMN elastase values were evaluated in both groups. Enzyme linked immunoassay methods were used to determine the PMN elastase levels.[¤]Results[|]The mean PMN elastase level was found to be 145.1±34.6 ng/mL in patients with neonatal sepsis and 75.5±9.8 ng/mL in healthy subjects (p<0.001). When the plasma PMN elastase levels were compared between both groups, the specificity was %96.3, sensitivity was %94.6, negative estimation value was %93.5 and positive estimation value was %95.1.[¤]Conclusion[|]These findings indicate that PMN elastase level is a major indicator for the early diagnosis of newborn sepsis.[¤]

Yenidoğan Sepsisinin Erken Tanisinda Yeni Bir Yöntem: Polimorfonükleer Lökosit Elastaz Düzeyleri
1Department of Pediatrics, Bakırköy Maternity and Children Diseases Training and Research Hospital, İstanbul, Turkey
2Department of Pediatrics, Başkent University Hospital, İstanbul, Turkey
3Department of Hematology, Yüksek İhtisas Hospital, İstanbul, Turkey
4Department of Pediatrics, Haseki Research and Training Hospital, İstanbul, Turkey
Journal of Clinical Practice and Research 2013; 2(35): 46-51 DOI: 10.5152/etd.2013.16

Amaç[|]Bu çalışmanın amacı yenidoğan sepsisinin erken tanısı ve takibinde polimorfonükleer lökosit elastaz (PMN) düzeylerinin yerini değerlendirmektir.[¤]Gereç ve Yöntem[|]Sepsis tanısı konulan 40 hasta ve kontrol grubu olarak alınan 20 yenidoğan çalışma grubunu oluşturdu. Çalışmaya alınma kriterleri önceden saptanan bu olgularda klinik ve laboratuvar yöntemleri ve Töllner skorlama sistemi kullanılarak tanıya gidildi. Her iki grubun kültür sonuçları, lökosit ve trombosit sayıları, immatür/total nötrofil oranları, CRP ve polimorfonükleer lökosit elastaz değerleri incelendi. polimorfonükleer lökosit elastaz düzeyleri ELISA yöntemi ile ölçüldü.[¤]Bulgular[|]Ortalama polimorfonükleer lökosit elastaz düzeyleri neonatal sepsis grubunda 145,1±34,6 ng/mL, kontrol grubunda 75,5±9,80 ng/mL olarak saptandı (p<0,001). Her iki grup karşılaştırıldığında plazma polimorfonükleer lökosit elastaz düzeyinin özgünlüğü %96,3, duyarlılığı %94,6, negatif tahmin değeri %93,5, pozitif tahmin değeri %95,1 olarak hesaplandı.[¤]Sonuç[|]Yenidoğan sepsisinin erken tanısında ve tedaviye cevabın izlenmesinde PMN elastaz düzeylerinin önemli bir gösterge olduğu belirlendi.[¤]