2Clinic of Ophthalmic, Samsun Training and Research Hospital, Samsun, Turkey
Objective[|]We aimed to examine the knowledge and consciousness levels of participators about Graves orbitopathy (GO) by conducting an investigation of ophthalmopathy consciousness of Graves patients, providing coordination among all health institutions and ophthalmologists and giving information about the subject to patients.[¤]Materials and Methods[|]A total of 50 Graves patients applying to the Ondokuz Mayis University Endocrinology outpatient service were included in the study. Specially prepared questionnaire forms were used for the evaluation. The education levels of the patients were evaluated in four groups as illiterates and graduates of primary school, secondary school-high school, and university.[¤]Results[|]Overall, 38.8% of the graduates of primary school, 71.4% of the graduates of secondary school-high school, and 63.6% of university graduates had GO consciousness. Although 24% of the patients had this consciousness, they were not going to regular eye check-ups; 86% of the patients had this GO information through their physicians. Also, 46% of the patients were smoking, and it was detected that just half of them were warned about smoking.[¤]Conclusion[|]It was observed that although the patients who were followed up with Graves were seen by all healthcare centers, they were not adequately informed about eye involvement. Thus, these patients should be informed at the first visit, and regular ophthalmologic examinations should be provided for them.[¤]