Posterolateral Branch of Circumflex Artery: An Extremely Rare Location for Myocardial Bridging
1Department of Cardiology, Kayseri Education and Research Hospital, Kayseri, Turkey
J Clin Pract Res 2014; 36(2): 85-87 DOI: 10.5152/etd.2014.7636
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Myocardial bridging is a rare congenital coronary artery abnormality in which the epicardial coronary artery is covered by myocardial muscle tissue at a distance during its course. Myocardial infarction, ventricular arrhythmias, and sudden cardiac death have been associated with myocardial bridging. While myocardial bridges are usually located on the left anterior descending artery, left circumflex artery involvement is reported in a few cases. Here, we present a patient admitted to the coronary care unit with unstable angina pectoris having multivessel coronary artery disease and myocardial bridging on the posterolateral branch of the left circumflex artery, for the first time.