Associated Factors Causing Uterine Prolapse in Nongeriatric and Geriatric Female Patient Populations and Analysis of Pathological Diagnoses
1Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Antalya Training and Research Hospital, Antalya, Turkey
J Clin Pract Res 2021; 43(5): 443-448 DOI: 10.14744/etd.2021.32847
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Objective: Many factors influence the etiology of uterine prolapse (UP). This study, therefore, analyzed factors affecting UP in nongeriatric and geriatric age groups.
Materials and Methods: The 494 patients included in the study were divided into two groups: 317 nongeriatric patients (aged <65; 64.2%) and 177 geriatric patients (aged ≥65; 38.8%). Factors affecting UP were analyzed.
Results: Multivariate logistic regression analysis indicated that in all patients, the number of births (odds ratio [OR]=1.254; 95% confidence interval [CI]=1.081–1.456; p=0.003) and menopause (OR=2.159; 95% CI=5.612–4.334; p=0.031) increased the risk of UP. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis also indicated that the cutoff point for the number of births in all patients was >3 (area under the curve [AUC]=0.553; 95% CI=0.508–0.597; p=0.037). Although the AUC value (AUC=0.635) calculated for the number of births in patients aged ≥65 was higher than those calculated for body mass index and the number of miscarriages (AUC=0.582 and AUC=0.583, respectively), this difference was not statistically significant (p>0.05).
Conclusion: UP is closely related to the number of births and the presence of menopause. Although no significant correlation was found between age at menopause and the number of births in patients aged <65, a statistically significant positive correlation was found between age at menopause and the number of births in patients aged ≥65.