Severe Form of Scarlet Fever in a Child: A Case Report
1Department of Сhildren’s Infectious Diseases, Semey Medical University, Republic of Kazakhstan
J Clin Pract Res 2022; 44(6): 621-623 DOI: 10.14744/etd.2022.36034
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Background: Scarlet fever is a bacterial illness characterized by a high fever and skin rash that can develop with acute onset, is typically accompanied by pharyngitis, and has the possibility of severe complications.
Case Report: An 11-year-old boy was referred to a children’s infectious diseases hospital with a fever, rash, and sore throat. The child had significant signs of erythrogenic intoxication, as well as punctate exanthem against a hyperemic background, a hemorrhagic rash on the lower extremities, and purulent plaques in the lacunae of the tonsils. Blood tests revealed hy-perleukocytosis, neutrophilia, and an elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate. Urine analysis revealed profuse erythrocytes. Hypocoagulability was determined in coagulation tests. Following antibiotic therapy, desensitization, and detoxification, the child was discharged on the 11th day with clinical and laboratory improvement.
Conclusion: Scarlet fever often occurs in a mild or moderate form; however, a severe and complicated course may also occur. Knowledge of appropriate treatment can be life-saving.