2Department of Internal Medicine Faculty of Medicine, Yüzüncü YI University, Van- Turkey
Cutaneous metastases from primary genitourinary malignancies are rare and, like all metastases, have a poor prognosis. Very few cases of skin metastases from urothelial carcinoma have been reported in the past and most of them were treated with chemotherapy. Here we present a case of cutaneous metastases from a primary bladder transitional cell carcinoma who was admitted to our clinic with pain and bleeding of the lesion on the dorsum of the hand which did not respond to chemotherapy and was treated with palliative radiotherapy.
2Department of Internal Medicine Faculty of Medicine, Yüzüncü YI University, Van- Turkey
Mesane kanserinin cilt metastazı nadirdir ve diğer tüm metastazlar gibi kötü prognozludur. Ürotelyal karsinomların cilt metastazları geçmişte çok az bildirilmiştir ve çoğu kemoterapi ile tedavi edilmiştir. Biz bu çalışmada kliniğimize el dorsumunda ağrılı ve kanamalı transizyonel hücreli mesane kanserinin cilt metastazı ile başvuran, uygulanan kemoterapiye yanıt vermeyen ve palyatif radyoterapi ile tedavi edilen bir olguyu sunmayı amaçladık.